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In some situation, the data format defined in the data source doesn’t match the case class defined in our project, and we want to hide the conversion detail (which may be irrelevant to the business logic). We can achieve this by using the SparkRepositoryAdapter. and DatasetConverter


Imagine our datasource has a format that match the following case class:

case class DataSourceFormat(col1: String, col2: Int, col3: String)

// col1, col2, col3
//   r1,    1, r1-1
//   r2,    2, r1-2

The column col3 is not necessary (as it’s only a concatenation of col1 and col2, we can ignore it and use this case class in out project:

case class ProjectFormat(col1: String, col2: Int)

So the data conversions that we want to hide are:

Let’s implement our dataset converter:


implicit val myConverter = new DatasetConverter[ProjectFormat, DataSourceFormat] {
  override def convertFrom(t2: Dataset[DataSourceFormat]): Dataset[ProjectFormat] = {

  override def convertTo(t1: Dataset[ProjectFormat]): Dataset[DataSourceFormat] = {
    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

    t1.withColumn("col3", concat(col("col1"), lit("-"), col("col2")))

To use this converter:


// Supposed that we have a repository of type ProjectFormat.
// After the import, several new methods will be added to the SparkRepository
// For example: convertAndSave and findAllAndConvert
val projectFormatRepo = SparkRepository[ProjectFormat]

// This will convert a Dataset[ProjectFormat] to a Dataset[DataSourceFormat] and save it 

// This will load a Dataset[DataSourceFormat] and automatically convert it to a Dataset[ProjectFormat] 
val loaded = projectFormatRepo.findAllAndConvert()