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Custom Connector

You can implement you own data source connector by implementing the ConnectorInterface

import io.github.setl.internal.CanDrop
import io.github.setl.config.Conf
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

class CustomConnector extends ConnectorInterface with CanDrop {
  override def setConf(conf: Conf): Unit = {
    // configuration

  override def read(): DataFrame = {
    import spark.implicits._
    Seq(1, 2, 3).toDF("id")

  override def write(t: DataFrame, suffix: Option[String]): Unit = logDebug("Write with suffix")

  override def write(t: DataFrame): Unit = logDebug("Write")

  override def drop(): Unit = logDebug("drop")


Like the previous example, by extending your connector class with functionality traits (like CanDrop) and implementing accordingly their abstract methods, SparkRepository will be able to use these specific functionalities.

Use the custom connector

To use this connector, set the storage to OTHER and provide the class reference of your connector:

myConnector {
  storage = "OTHER"
  class = "com.example.CustomConnector"  // class reference of your connector
  yourParam = "some parameter" // put your parameters here