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Handle workflow with Pipeline and Stage

Pipeline and Stage will help us organize our job and handle the data transfer between different factories.

Imagine we have three data transformation jobs in an ETL application:

  1. Transformation 1: Create an object Product
  2. Transformation 2: Create a dataset of Product with the output of transformation 1
  3. Transformation 3: Add a new column to the dataset of transformation 2 and return a Dataset[Product2]

This could be done with Pipeline, Stage, and Factory

import io.github.setl.SparkSessionBuilder
import io.github.setl.annotation.Delivery
import io.github.setl.transformation.Factory
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession, functions}
import io.github.setl.workflow.{Pipeline, Stage}

// Define our class
case class Product1(x: String)

case class Product2(x: String, y: String)

class ProductFactory extends Factory[Product1] {
  var id: String = _  // this is input, and it will be delivered by Pipeline
  var output: Product1 = _
  override def read(): this.type = this
  override def process(): this.type = {
    output = Product1(id)
  override def write(): this.type = this
  override def get(): Product1 = output

class DatasetFactory extends Factory[Dataset[Product1]] with HasSparkSession {

  import spark.implicits._

  var p1: Product1 = _  // p1 should be produced by our ProductFactory, pipeline will handle the data transfer
  var output: Dataset[Product1] = _
  override def read(): this.type = this
  override def process(): this.type = {
    output = Seq(p1, Product1("pd1")).toDS
  override def write(): this.type = this
  override def get(): Dataset[Product1] = output

class DatasetFactory2 extends Factory[Dataset[Product2]] with HasSparkSession {

  var ds: Dataset[Product1] = _  // ds should be produced by DatasetFactory, pipeline will handle the data transfer
  var output: Dataset[Product2] = _
  override def read(): this.type = this
  override def process(): this.type = {
    import spark.implicits._
    output = ds.withColumn("y", functions.lit("c2")).as[Product2]
  override def write(): this.type = {
  override def get(): Dataset[Product2] = {

Now our classes are defined, let implement the complete data job:

val setl = Setl.builder()

// Instantiate our classes
val f1 = new ProductFactory
val f2 = new DatasetFactory
val f3 = new DatasetFactory2

    new Deliverable[String]("id_of_product1")                 // we set manually the input for f1 as 
    .setConsumer(f1.getClass)                                 // it is the first factory of our pipeline
  .setInput(new Deliverable[String]("wrong_id_of_product1"))  // if multiple input has the same type, then you should 
                                                              // specify the consumer of this input
//|             x|  y|
//|id_of_product1| c2|
//|           pd1| c2|

You can also call the pipeline.describe() method to generate a pipeline summary

========== Pipeline Summary ==========

----------   Nodes Summary  ----------
Node   : ProductFactory
Stage  : 0
Input  : String
Output : com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product1
Node   : DatasetFactory
Stage  : 1
Input  : com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product1
Output : org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product1]
Node   : DatasetFactory2
Stage  : 2
Input  : org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product1]
Output : org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product2]
----------   Flows Summary  ----------
Stage     : 0
Direction : ProductFactory ==> DatasetFactory
PayLoad   : com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product1
Stage     : 1
Direction : DatasetFactory ==> DatasetFactory2
PayLoad   : org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[com.jcdecaux.datacorp.spark.workflow.Product1]